Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Faux Hydrangea Wreath with a Twist

Greetings snow bunnies and non-snow bound bloggerettes! I am so ready for spring, aren't you?! The weather here in the SF peninsula has been amazing around 75 degrees. Poifect California weather! See, this is the reason we put up with the earthquakes, insane state politics and high prices ha!

I'm sure you seen faux hydrangea wreath all around the web. I thought I'd make one...with a little twist of my own...

My twist, adding some bling to the centers

doesn't show up too well in the photos, but each center has a color matching rhinestone.

I first wrapped a 10" styrofoam wreath with purple satin ribbon (here is a view of the back)

filled it with faux hydrangea blossoms, added the rhinestones, and used a sheer puple ribbon for hanging. Love it!

It now hangs in my beautiful niece's (Tween Heart's mommy) home.

I have a few more bunches, but want to mix some flowers in for something different.

Before I get to doing that, I've been laboring over another project. One that I'm beginning to regret having started. Here is a little teaser

That is only half of what I need *sigh*

Just another labor intensive project....did I mention it is very labor intensive? lol!

I'll post the finished wreath if when it's finished. ha!

Thanks so much for stopping by! It is always so lovely to read your comments!

Linking post with:

Today's Creative Blog

Show and Tell Green


Friday, January 21, 2011

My living room...work in progress!

Hello dearests!
I have showed you my kitchen so far,
now it's time to have a look at the
living room!

Salve carissime!
Vi ho mostrato a che punto sono con la mia cucina
ora è giunto il momento di
 mostrarvi anche il salotto!

I still have to do a looooot of things,
but I want to show you

Devo ancora fare un sacchissimo di cose
ma vi faccio vedere a che
punto sono ora.

This is the relax zone
with the two sofas in front of the fireplace.

Questa è la zona relax
con i due divani posti di fronte al camino.

I want to paint the waal behind the TV
with a soft cream, just like


Voglio dipingere la parete dietro la TV
con un crema soft, mi piacciono:

Of course there are a lot of paintings and photos
missing on the walls.
Me and Max need an entire Saturday free
to use Mr.Black&Decker
and fix this problem.
Again it's a problem of time...
But we will sort it out!

Naturalmente ci sono un sacco di
foto e dipinti da appendere alle parti.
Io e Max abbiamo bisogno
di un intero sabato libero
per usare il sig. Black&Decker
e risolvere la situazione.
E' sempre un problema di tempo...
ma ce la faremo!

Behind the 3-seat-sofa
there's the bookcase with my
but it's not finished yet,
so I will show it next time.
And behind the 2-seat-sofa,
there's the dining area...
let's say that it is supposed
to be the dining area,
'cause we haven't buy
the table and the sideboard yet!!!

Dietro al divano a tre posti
c'è la libreria con il mio
angolo computer,
ma non è ancora finita
e ve la mostrerò più avanti.
E dietro al divano a due posti
c'è la zona pranzo.
diciamo che ci dovrebbe essere,
perchè al momento
 non abbiamo ancora comprato il
tavolo e la credenza!!!!

I don't know which sideboard to buy,
I like the Liatorp one by Ikea...

Non so quale credenza comprare,
mi piace la Liatopr dell'Ikea...

By the way, have you ever seen this one?
There's not in Italy,
but I think it's fab!!!!
Ehi Mrs. Ikea??? Have you heard me???
Please, please, bring this model to Italy!!!

A proposito, avete visto questo modello?
Non c'è in Italia,
ma io penso sia favoloso!!!
Ehi Sig.ra Ikea?? Mi hai sentito??
Per piacere, per piacere, porta
questo modello in Italia!!!

Or I also like this one by Maisons du Monde...

Oppure questa della Maisons du Monde...

I will decide soon....
I can live without a sideboard!!!

Deciderò in fretta...
non posso vivere senza una credenza!

By the way...
on Saturday I will buy my new camera,
can't wait!!!!!

A proposito...
sabato comprerò la mia nuova
macchina fotografica,
non vedo l'ora!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

semua hanya ada di Indonesia

Indonesia ternyata memiliki keunikan yang negara lain tidak miliki. Inilah foto - foto unik yang hanya bisa kita temukan di Indonesia. Di negara lain mungkin tidak ada.

supir bekas penyair puisi, hanya ada di Indonesia

polisi yang jadi tukang becak, mungkin ini hanya ada di indonesia

di Indonesia, selain kita bisa nabung juga bisa makan bakso dan sate

di Indonesia ada Starbucks Cofee untuk kalangan bawah

kalau yang ini, KFC nya Indonesia

minuman berdosa hanya ada di Indonesia

peraturan biasanya banyak yang melanggar

kotak surat yang beginian hanya ada di Indonesia

berita di korannya pun aneh - aneh

hanya di Indonesia pecel lele pakai listrik

peringatannya pun tidak masuk akal

hanya di Indonesia ada Bis Kota yang bisa dimakan

pengumuman seperti ini hanya ada di Indonesia

asbak rokok terbesar hanya ada di Indonesia

merk mobil ini hanya ada di Indonesia

nama minumannya pun aneh - aneh

hanya NOKIA Indonesia yang menjual produknya dalam bentuk sandal

curhat - curhatan saat banjir hanya ada di indonesia

hanya di Indonesia yang ada larangan tidur di bawah mobil

Jurusan Tambal Ban hanya dapat di ambil mahasiswa di Indonesia

cuma di Indonesia ada orang yang banyak maunya

cuma di Indonesia ada penjual yang sampai mohon - mohon kayak gini

cuma di Indonesia dalam keadaan darurat di suruh mecahin kaca kosong

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Some toughts...

..that we've moved in our new home.
Wow! I can't believe that time has passed so quickly!
We still have a ton of things to do,
but time is our enemy.
Don't you have the impression
that time passes by too quickly?
That you have a long to do list when you wake up
and you still have a long to do list when you go to bed?
I mean, sometimes I would like that days could last 48 hours!
It's time the most precious thing nowadays.
Nobody has time anymore
so that we run all day from home to office,
we have to go to the supermaket
we have to do the laundry,
we have to
we have to
we have to...
Have you ever looked at the people
you meet?
They all run,
they all have a very concentrate expression
 they just don't look around,
they don't walk,
they run because
they have to go to the office
they have to go to the supermarket
they have to...
Maybe it's time to relax a
little bit
and start to smile,
to walk instead of run,
to enjoy every little single thing
instead of just don't look at it,
beacuse we don't have time.

...che ci siamo trasferiti nella nostra nuova casa.
Wow! Non posso credere che il tempo sia passato così velocemente!
E abbiamo ancora così tante cose da fare,
ma il tempo è il nostro nemico n.1.
Non avete mai l'impressione che
il tempo passi troppo velocemente?
Non vi svegliate mai la mattina con una
lunghissima lista di cose da fare
e vi ritrovate ad andare a letto la sera con
una lista altrettanto lunga?
Intendo dire che a volte vorrei proprio che
le giornate durassero 48 ore!
Il tempo è la risorsa più preziosa al giorno d'oggi.
Nessuno ha più tempo,
perchè tutti dobbiamo correre
da casa all'ufficio,
dobbiamo andare a fare la spesa,
dobbiamo andare a ritirare la biancheria,
Avete mai guardato le persone che
incontrate per strada?
Tutti corrono
ed hanno un'espressione molto concentrata in volto
che quasi non vedono ciò che li circonda.
Non camminano, corrono
perchè devono andare in ufficio,
devono andare a fare la spesa,
Forse è giunto il momento di
rilassarci un po',
di iniziare a sorridere,
di camminare invece che correre,
di godere di ogni piccola cosa
invece che non notarla neppure
perchè non ne abbiamo tempo.

pantai - pantai terindah di dunia

1. Pantai Kuta, Bali, Indonesia

sunset pantai kuta yang indah

Pantai Kuta adalah sebuah tempat pariwisata yang terletak di sebelah selatan Denpasar, ibu kota Bali, Indonesia. Kuta terletak di Kabupaten Badung. Daerah ini merupakan sebuah tujuan wisata turis mancanegara, dan telah menjadi objek wisata andalan Pulau Bali sejak awal 70-an. Pantai Kuta sering pula disebut sebagai pantai matahari terbenam (sunset beach) sebagai lawan dari pantai Sanur.

2. Pantai Maldives, Maladewa

Siapa yang tak kenal Maldives atau Maladewa? Negara dengan kumpulan pulau-pulau kecil membentuk atoll yang terbentang sekitar 800 km dari Utara ke Selatan di Lautan Hindia bagian Utara. Maldives merupakan jajaran 26 atoll yang terdiri dari 1.190 pulau-pulau kecil dan hanya 198 di antaranya yang berpenghuni.

Pemandangan pantainya sangat indah, ditambah warna biru dari laut yang sangat jernih, tak heran jika Negara yang letaknya di bawah Srilanka ini menjadi tujuan wisata para pesohor Hollywood maupun dunia. Di tempat ini juga banyak hotel-hotel berskala internasional, seperti Hilton, Fourseason dan sebagainya. Bahkan pantai ini telah di usulkan sebagai keajaiban dunia di new7wonders

3. Pantai Fernando de Noronha, Brazil

Fernando de Noronha merupakan nama kepulauan yang terletak di Samudra Atlantik, terletak 354 km dari pantai timur Brazil. Akses ke pantai ini agak sulit sehingga wajar aja kalau pantai ini hanya diketahui oleh segelintir orang saja. Walau begitu, pantai ini pantas digelari sebagai “Taman Laut Terindah Di dunia” oleh karena keindahan warna lautnya yang jernih dan karena itulah UNESCO menetapkan tempat ini sebagai situs warisan dunia.

4. Pantai Anguilla, Kepulauan Karibia

Anguilla adalah salah satu daerah teritori Inggris yang letaknya jauh di Pesisir Karibia, bertetangga dengan Puerto Rico serta Virgin Islands. Suhu rata-rata di Anguilla berkisar 27 derajat Celcius dengan luas wilayah tak lebih dari 91 km2 dan hanya dihuni sekitar 14 Ribu jiwa. Meskipun terdengar kecil secara statistik, namun kawasan Anguila sangat kaya akan pesona lautnya.

Pantai Anguilla berada di Laut Caribbean, timur Puerto Rico. Pantai ini terkenal akan batu karangnya yang spektakuler. Peringkat pertama di top 10 World Best beaches of 2005 Discovery Channel Travel and Adventure tentunya bukan cuma omong kosong. Anguilla punya segalanya. Ketenangan, kebersihan, modern, lengkap dengan kehidupan pulau kecilnya yang benar-benar “Carribean”.

5. Pantai Lanikai , Hawaii, Amerika Serikat.

Pantai Lanikai adalah salah satu pantai yang paling indah di dunia. Terletak di Hawaii, Kailua di pulau itu. Lanikai Pantai adalah 800 m panjang dan memiliki pasir putih halus dan laut biru. Pantai ini mudah diakses, tetapi tidak ada parkir umum, toilet, shower, dan regu kelasi geladak. Ini adalah surga di bumi, di mana hari kerja bertemu dengan kesulitan untuk manusia. Pada akhir pekan dan selama musim puncak wisata, tapi ada banyak orang. Lanikai Pantai adalah karena keindahan yang menakjubkan, tempat populer untuk fotografer dari seluruh dunia.

Pantai ini tidak begitu besar, tapi merupakan pantai dengan air terjernih dan terbiru di hawaii. Lengkap dengan pemandangan dua pulau kecil yang bernama Mokuluas di kejauhan.

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